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更新时间:2024-04-25 18:02:57












  People dream and fly in the sky lovers in love: means that the dreamer nine in ten will succeed.

  Dream of from the dilapidated place over: that dream recent luck may be poor, the surrounding environment frustrating, if the flight when they notice under the green plants, suggesting the dreamer will experience a transient constraints of life, but then rapidly go up in the world.

  Dream of from the muddy water flight: remind the dreamer to handle their affairs, because they are keeping a close watch on yourself, for.

  Dream of flying in the dream: suggestive position improves, business profits, and to remind the dreamer and the family should be more tolerant, more understanding, not any quarrel with family.

  In love and lovers fly on the sky, nine in ten will succeed.

  Flying in the sky dream : that you be full of go, and you will become better and better.

  Dream of flying: means their freedom.

  Dreamed of flying: means of others on their own high expectations.

  Dream you can fly but suddenly fall from a great height, is the beast or a monster chasing, earthquake, disaster: dreams of a sense of loss, might in reality he hoped things have not been realized, think oneself is a be frustrated for all one s talent, ability has not been cast.

  Dreamed of flying that dream now full of energy, also suggests that the dreamer in reality there are excluded from working on any difficult ability and confidence; in the air flying dream, that dream would not only be full of go, and the popularity will become better and better, will be admired, or to engage in new work, full of spirit, after a effort in respect of promotion wish will come true.
