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更新时间:2024-04-27 00:45:05









  The young man dreamed of his fan the white wings over the green vegetation: a business development, as well as the success of love. If the tree looks bare or dead trees, threatened to realize their aspirations, he must overcome and the removal of obstacles, but his efforts almost no results.

  Dream of flapping black wings flying : a harbinger of disappointment and pain. If flying in the fall, indicates your destruction; if you dream of a drop and wake up, you will be successful in their life on track.

  Young woman dreams of flying when the unfortunate shot: said opponent tried to stop her to a higher, more valuable, more prosperous areas of development.

  Dream fly in space, flying across the moon, over other planets: a famine, war and of every hue troubles.

  Dream flying to see the sun: that you worry about is meaningless, because you are afraid of failure, but will eventually be successful.

  Dream of flying when the mood is tense or melancholy : representation is subconsciously an escape from reality.

  Dream of flying up when the mood is happy: that is the near future in life there are many harvest.
